About Zion SF
As a family at Zion SF, our mission is to:
PROCLAIM the love of God in Jesus Christ
TOUCH others in need with His love
EXPRESS that love in our lives together
The Bible is the Holy, inspired Word of God without errors. It is historically accurate and true. It is the only source for Christian doctrine (teachings).
In the Triune God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one God, the Holy Trinity.
The heart and center of our faith is that we are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We can do nothing to earn God's love or our salvation. God's grace is a free gift through the life, suffering, death and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Through God's Word and the waters of Baptism, God comes to us and adopts us as His forgiven children. This gift is for all people - infants, children and adults.
Through the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion), Jesus Christ, as He says, is truly (not symbolically) present in the bread and the wine. Through participation in this holy meal, God seals all His promises for us: the forgiveness of sins, strength in the faith for the life and the certain promise of eternal life with Him.
Jesus Christ will return some day. We do not know the day or time. We live with the sense of urgency of sharing the Gospel - the Good News for all people. Through His suffering, death and glorious resurrection Jesus Christ's victory over sin, death and hell is now our victory. Heaven is our home.
As a family at Zion SF, our mission is to:
PROCLAIM the love of God in Jesus Christ
TOUCH others in need with His love
EXPRESS that love in our lives together
The Bible is the Holy, inspired Word of God without errors. It is historically accurate and true. It is the only source for Christian doctrine (teachings).
In the Triune God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one God, the Holy Trinity.
The heart and center of our faith is that we are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We can do nothing to earn God's love or our salvation. God's grace is a free gift through the life, suffering, death and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Through God's Word and the waters of Baptism, God comes to us and adopts us as His forgiven children. This gift is for all people - infants, children and adults.
Through the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion), Jesus Christ, as He says, is truly (not symbolically) present in the bread and the wine. Through participation in this holy meal, God seals all His promises for us: the forgiveness of sins, strength in the faith for the life and the certain promise of eternal life with Him.
Jesus Christ will return some day. We do not know the day or time. We live with the sense of urgency of sharing the Gospel - the Good News for all people. Through His suffering, death and glorious resurrection Jesus Christ's victory over sin, death and hell is now our victory. Heaven is our home.
From Pastor Lenny Szeto
"I am so glad that you are here. At Zion you will find quality preaching and teaching
from the Word of God. You will find meaningful relationships and people that really care.
You will find a real community that will encourage you and strengthen you on your
faith journey. I pray and hope that you would visit us in person and become a part of our
community and most important of all that you would know Jesus.